Claims Dog with Nurse

We ask that you report claims to Reserv as quickly as possible following a loss. Early notice of new claims allows us to quickly investigate and collect information while the details are still fresh. This allows us to provide the best service possible to clients and third parties.

Losses can be reported through any of the below methods. We are happy to accept electronic claims reports at any time.

Telephone: +1 646 847 0012
Electronic Mail:
Regular Mail:

Reserv Claims Analysis, LLC
224 West 35th Street
Suite 500
New York, NY 10001

We have created the attached claim reporting form for convenience, but we are happy to accept new losses in other formats. Please be sure to include the following information:

  • Policy number
  • Insured name
  • Insured phone # and email address
  • Date and time of loss
  • Description of loss
  • Copy of the policy

Once your claim is reported a Claims Resolution Specialist will be assigned and make contact within 1 business day to review the details of your claims and answer your questions.

Inquiries into the status of existing claims may be made via the below methods:

Telephone: +1 646 847 0012
Electronic Mail:

Please click the button below to report your claim via email, attaching any relevant documents or information.

Report Your Claim